Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy affects how our eyes and brain work together.

When you look at an object, your eye muscles must coordinate and focus so that your brain can see a clear image of that object. Your brain then interprets what that object means to you. If your eye muscles are weak, then it takes a lot of energy for you to get that clear image. Thus, it takes longer for you to interpret what you just saw. So after a little while, your eyes will become tired from the extra work and produce a headache. Vision therapy may be what you need.

Woman profile with clouds background

Woman profile with clouds background Vision Therapy with Dr. Nakada consists of an individualized program of exercises that help your eye muscles become stronger, so that you no longer have to work so hard to see. After a visual efficiency evaluation in which we find out your specific strengths and weaknesses, we work together to make it easy for you to fulfill your visual needs at work and school, as well as with hobbies and sports.  
If you answer yes to one or more of the following questions, you could benefit from vision therapy.  
1. Do your eyes feel tired after reading for twenty minutes?
2. Do the words on the page get blurry and swim around?
3. Do you get headaches from doing close work?
4. Do you close one eye or turn your head to read?

With the help of vision therapy, you could read comfortably and effortlessly.